...you are to help them' Joshua 1:14 (NIV)
Baby asked for my help recently on an art project. She had to find an abstract painting and comment on the shapes, colours and style of the artist in the picture and critique it. Although she like art, she found this assignment a trifle challenging, especially defining what 'abstract' meant. The vast number of paintings that were branded abstract were realist to her.
So, I sat down and tried to explain (in great detail) what makes a painting abstract. It took time, energy and effort, but she seemed to understand by the end of our discussion.
Helping others takes time, energy and effort and sometimes when we are tired, we just can't be bothered. Society encourages us to look after 'no 1' and so our ability to help others diminishes along with our wanting to care or love others.
It's so easy to be caught up in our own world, with our own families and lives that we spare little thought to help others.
And when you help others, it's not for accolades or applause or recognition, it's something you do for someone else and it's a private act. Not to be shouted from the rooftop.
Today is my morning of prayer. But this morning, I will pray that God help me to help someone else, today. Practical help. If you want to join me in prayer, please feel free to do so.
Father, it's so easy to be selfish. May I reach out to, and help someone in need today, just as you reach out to me.
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