Monday, January 12, 2015


Someone gave me a raw food detox book for Christmas.  They must have being trying to tell me something.  Whatever message they were trying to communicate, it completely missed me but even if I know what it is,  it's currently falling on deaf ears.  Understand this, I'm not being disrespectful because the book has some amazing recipes that look absolutely delicious and when I have a few days to spare, I'm going to try one of them.  

I'd love to be more healthy, have a detox and start a new regime, but it needs to be a programme that I can actually fulfill.  Yes, I understand the notion of 'no pain, no gain'.  But when looking at these recipes, I just don't have the money to buy the dehydrator (please don't offer it either), I have no way to store it and I don't have twelve to twenty four hours to wait while the special almond pastry dehydrates so that I can serve dinner.

At the beginning of every year, the gym memberships suddenly soar, we decide that we should buy a new pair of trainers and start running or walking.  January - the month of giving up, and then saying, 'forget it'.  So the 'new you' just doesn't actually happen as you enter a spiral of discouragement when all your good intentions just march out of the window in total defiance.  

The media is currently asking us to make sugar swaps.  Advert after advert pumps this message out and we often respond without giving it any great thought.  Less sugar is better for you, but are 'sugar free' carbonated drinks better for your overall health?  All I can say is do your research.  

And although I'd love to change my diet from cooked to raw food (well, love is way too strong a word) it's totally impractical for my current lifestyle which I'm unable to change right now, as it would mean that Hubby and Baby would also need to part of that change. And that's not on the cards anytime soon.

If you want a new you, spend some time looking at some of the alternatives that are out there before you commit. I have started making smoothies three times a week and I replace my morning brew with one of these.  


Find a local grocery shop and walk there instead of driving the car to the supermarket.  It will do wonders for your life.

Happy Homemaking!

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